Wil Winters

The millionth monkey

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About Wil

I write fiction for money … fictional money

Wil Winters wrings tall tales out of his keyboard, for cash, so he can maintain his unkempt appearance and transient lifestyle.

Born in the dry, arid lands of the desert, he has slowly shambled his way around Australia, eventually stopping when his shoes filled with water at the beach. In his “spare” time he enjoys Judo (which is like origami but with humans instead of paper) and impersonating a drowning giraffe while trying to catch a wave.

His first short story was shortlisted for the Queensland Young Writers Award but he took an extended hiatus from writing after that early success. He popped up periodically to review restaurants, write feature articles for magazines, and be a nuisance on social media.

He has re-emerged, pen in hand, to eek out fantasy tales that make you laugh, gasp and weep.

All of the above are done, with varying levels of success, from his home in sunny Queensland, Australia.

Author’s note on language

This site, and his books, are written in Australian English, a curious dialect somewhere between British and American English, but never quite either.

Australian English has an extra u here and there but not everywhere, such as neighbour and colour, but not in author (poor author, always getting shortchanged). It also shies away from the z favored favoured with Americanized Americanised words. Other words are yet to decide on how to spell themselves, such as programme vs. program.

Shoulde youse find an spellin’ erroor, chalke it uppe to beinge an Australianizm befoure atting the authoure.

Our dialect is a beautiful mess — a bit of a train wreck, really—so sit back, relax, and enjoy the delightful quaintness that is Australian bloody English.

Oh, and please, forgive the accent.

P.S. Bloody bloody bloody



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